Al's Peak. 3/10/2014

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These hikes are different, we are hiking down first than climbing back up at the end.
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Where are we going?
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We have some boulders to climb.
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Getting to our first cave.
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Resting in front of the cave.
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Is that some Indian art?
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Desert whales.
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More fun.
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Wayne is getting up.
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We will climb those rocks next.
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For now we are taking a break in the shade.
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Look Wayne is there already.
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It is our turn to get up.
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Found the register. Is anybody else coming here? No we are the only maniacs.

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Our group.
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It is time to get down.
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So far it is easy.
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Vit is taking the high pass.
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Some rock balancing.
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Rock chick.
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Testing the cave #2.
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Is Wayne going to move here?
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Going back up.
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We have a table today.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 3.9 Scenic: 3.9 El. 2000'