Tijuana River. 6/30/2014
This is going to be a nice beach walk.
Crossing the Tijuana River. It is not too deep since we have a low tide for now.
Following border patrol tire tracks.
John is approaching border fence.
This hike is full of signs telling us what we cannot do.
More signs.
We were kicked off the accessed road that goes by the triple border fence.
Wit with his doll.
Wit with his yacht.
Fence walk.
We were just instructed what to do for our safety.
This is a new sign.
Camo check out point.
So this is how to get over the fences.
We are in a jungle now.
Intersections that go somewhere we don’t want to go.
We have to find our way. It is a soft landing for Hersch.
Bamboo forest.
Another three fence obstacle, how can we get back?
It is not easy but we will find a way.
I am expecting Dr. No to show up soon.
Cholla got me here.
We made it thru. This is only a single fence.
Our complete group.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.3 Technical: 3.6 Scenic: 3.7 El. 700'