Tijuana River. 6/30/2014

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This is going to be a nice beach walk.
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Crossing the Tijuana River. It is not too deep since we have a low tide for now.
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Following border patrol tire tracks.
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John is approaching border fence.
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This hike is full of signs telling us what we cannot do.
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More signs.
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We were kicked off the accessed road that goes by the triple border fence.
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Wit with his doll.
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Wit with his yacht.
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Fence walk.
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We were just instructed what to do for our safety.
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This is a new sign.
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Camo check out point.
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So this is how to get over the fences.
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We are in a jungle now.
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Intersections that go somewhere we don’t want to go.
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We have to find our way. It is a soft landing for Hersch.
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Bamboo forest.
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Another three fence obstacle, how can we get back?
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It is not easy but we will find a way.
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I am expecting Dr. No to show up soon.
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Cholla got me here.
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We made it thru. This is only a single fence.
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Our complete group.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.3 Technical: 3.6 Scenic: 3.7 El. 700'