San Gorgonio. 7/28/2014
There is sun above for now. Our biggest fear for today is the weather.
There is no water flowing when crossing Mill Creek.
Selfie going up.
Wit with his permit for 9 hikers. For now we are just two. We have some no-shows and there is other group taking a different trail.
Galena ridge.
Easier way up?
Switchback trail.
Looking south there are some clouds but we are good.
Soon we will be out in the clear are we going to be fine there?
Almost up. About ¼ mile from the summit we hear some thunder. Now what?
Made it to the top. We will make some quick pictures here.
I am not even taking off my backpack.
Hurry back down. Susan told us that there is no place to hide from lightning. Did the other group turned back?
Thunder is coming from the right side.
We are still in the open.
360 View. youtube
No more thunder.
Looks like the thunderstorm is brewing over San Jacinto now. That is where we were last week.
Back on San G. it is clearing up. We got call from the top that our other group going via Fish Creek trail: John, Susan, Jim and Herch made it. Great!
Our group picture.
San Jacinto.
That tree may be same age as us.
Never ending way down.
Our rest place where we are waiting if John will show up.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 4.4 Technical: 3 Scenic: 3.5 El. 5400'