Point Loma. 8/4/2014
Walking thru morning Newport Ave.
This is a short hike for John. He will be working on his kitchen soon.
The long O.B. pier.
We are off trail now.
Back on trail.
This was Gil’s house, so far no activity there.
Looking back.
The old Spalding residence at PLNU.
Greek Amphitheatre.
Wit is looking for Al’s address at Fort Rosecrans.
We will stop here on our way back.
That looks like some old cannon base.
We are at the southern point of our hike.
Hope that drivers will respect and remember this sign.
Here is Al. Still hiking somewhere.
Part of the long wall.
Ship is coming back to the port.
Nice lunch view.
Some of the old model ships that were used for antenna tests. This is where John worked.
San Diego postcard view.
Down by bay.
Hi Steve, do you remember us?
John is helping us to relax after 17.5 mi. hike.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 2.5 Scenic: 3.5 El. 1700'