Point Loma. 8/4/2014

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Walking thru morning Newport Ave.
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This is a short hike for John. He will be working on his kitchen soon.
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The long O.B. pier.
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We are off trail now.
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Back on trail.
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This was Gil’s house, so far no activity there.
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Looking back.
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The old Spalding residence at PLNU.
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Greek Amphitheatre.
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Wit is looking for Al’s address at Fort Rosecrans.
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We will stop here on our way back.
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That looks like some old cannon base.
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We are at the southern point of our hike.
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Hope that drivers will respect and remember this sign.
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Here is Al. Still hiking somewhere.
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Part of the long wall.
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Ship is coming back to the port.
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Nice lunch view.
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Some of the old model ships that were used for antenna tests. This is where John worked.
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San Diego postcard view.
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Down by bay.
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Hi Steve, do you remember us?
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John is helping us to relax after 17.5 mi. hike.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 2.5 Scenic: 3.5 El. 1700'