Dawson Peak. 9/22/2014
Pleasant walk on PCT.
This is going to be mostly a ridge hike there and back.
So far so good.
Down, up and so on.
It is getting to be more rugged.
This is the most technical part here. Not too bad.
Beth and Wayne are pushing on.
Arches are still here.
Checking the register at Pine Mountain.
Dawson is not too far from here.
Just to go down and then back up.
There is Baldy. Our original plan was to go there also but we don’t have enough time.
360 view.youtube
Our group.
The flat part.
Nice trees here.
Going back up to Pine Mountain.
View of Baden-Powell.
Same ridge going down.
Wit is in the lead.
Still some up.
Wayne is doing his up puffs.
The final part is x-country with brush to massage our legs.
Another nice place for our after hike.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 3.5 Scenic: 3.8 El. 3200'