Kelly Ditch Trail. 10/20/2014

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Weather is cooling off so we are hiking today in local (Cuyamaca) mountains.
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There is a ditch here somewhere. Where is it?
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This trail is going mostly thru the burned and devastated forest.
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Water reservoir, where is the spring.
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Open part.
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Here we are at the most technical part of our hike.
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Almost there.
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Kelly Ditch meets William Heise Park.
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Our big group. We have also Monday Moderates hiking with us today.
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Going back we have to get over that hill.
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Rest place by the creek.
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Twelve years after the fire. You cannot stray to the side it is impenetrable.
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Made it to the crest.
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Pleasant walk here.
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Trail continues.
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Back at the ditch, visible on the right side.
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After hike is with a lake view.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 2.8 Scenic: 3 El. 2700'