Kelly Ditch Trail. 10/20/2014
Weather is cooling off so we are hiking today in local (Cuyamaca) mountains.
There is a ditch here somewhere. Where is it?
This trail is going mostly thru the burned and devastated forest.
Water reservoir, where is the spring.
Open part.
Here we are at the most technical part of our hike.
Almost there.
Kelly Ditch meets William Heise Park.
Our big group. We have also Monday Moderates hiking with us today.
Going back we have to get over that hill.
Rest place by the creek.
Twelve years after the fire. You cannot stray to the side it is impenetrable.
Made it to the crest.
Pleasant walk here.
Trail continues.
Back at the ditch, visible on the right side.
After hike is with a lake view.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 2.8 Scenic: 3 El. 2700'