5K Ridge North. 10/27/2014
There is our ridge. Last time we done the southern part today we will do the northern portion.
So far so good, not much brush. We are expecting some.
There is Hersch in the brush.
Wit is watching.
Up we go, looking for some easy way with not too much boulders and not much brush.
Made it to the ridge where Wayne and Hersch are waiting for us. They won.
Indian res. on left.
Wind test station is still here.
Nothing is broken.
Sombrero Peak from above.
Considering some alternate way when we will go down.
John found BLM section marker.
There is the end of the ridge.
Great view of Sawtooth and Red Top.
360 view.youtube
Real men.
John is finding nice way for us.
This yucca has the biggest trunk ever. Three feet plus across.
McCain Valley road.
Going down. There are some trail ducks.
Made it down.
Almost back.
That Red Hook tastes good.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.3 Technical: 3.8 Scenic: 3.9 El. 2000'