Jojoba Wash. 11/17/2014

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John is already leaving, everybody hurry up.
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We are not sure where we are going. John has a plan to go to all different points that we never been before.
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Not even Beth was there before.
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This is our first spot el.
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Mark is hiding new register there.
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On a way to another bump.
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It is getting steeper.
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And on to another.


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On a top of our bonus (unscheduled) stop.
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It is a nice place to recover.
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Our lunch spot.
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Patsy left her N.F. fleece on some of the spots so they will retrace their journey. Good luck.
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Our group picture, but where is Hersch? He missed the photo op.
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Going down.
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Somehow we separated into four groups. Our group is on a way to the last spot.
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Where are the others?
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Cannot see anybody, ooo there is some single hiker. It may be John.
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Looking west.
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We are down, now where to?
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We are looking for our cars. Hmm.
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Made it back, some pivo is still there.
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John will be back with his flashlight on. It was a great hike for us.
However on our drive back John’s Jeep had a clutch problem so he had to leave it in M.V. to be towed next day.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 3.7 Scenic: 3.5 El. 3200'