Jojoba Wash. 11/17/2014
John is already leaving, everybody hurry up.
We are not sure where we are going. John has a plan to go to all different points that we never been before.
Not even Beth was there before.
This is our first spot el.
Mark is hiding new register there.
On a way to another bump.
It is getting steeper.
And on to another.
On a top of our bonus (unscheduled) stop.
It is a nice place to recover.
Our lunch spot.
Patsy left her N.F. fleece on some of the spots so they will retrace their journey. Good luck.
Our group picture, but where is Hersch? He missed the photo op.
Going down.
Somehow we separated into four groups. Our group is on a way to the last spot.
Where are the others?
Cannot see anybody, ooo there is some single hiker. It may be John.
Looking west.
We are down, now where to?
We are looking for our cars. Hmm.
Made it back, some pivo is still there.
John will be back with his flashlight on. It was a great hike for us.
However on our drive back John’s Jeep had a clutch problem so he had to leave it in M.V. to be towed next day.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 3.7 Scenic: 3.5 El. 3200'