Mine Peak. 12/15/2014
I am back from my New Zealand trip, this will be different.
Our first stop will be some spot elevation where
Mark is placing his first new register.
Badlands are not in NZ, but here is where the wonders are.
Going thru the slot canyon.
Canyon walls.
Here we will put another register. Will anybody find/sign it?
The mud plate.
This grows out of a wall.
Petrified tree stump.
It is up down, up down here.
More formations.
On a ridge.
Somebody cut these with chainsaw.
Not cut yet.
Our group at the lunch place.
Stairs going up.
This is like climbing to Mordor.
Mine Peak here we are.
360 view.youtube
Side of the ridge trail.
Almost down.
After hike pivo.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.3 Technical: 3.3 Scenic: 4 El. 2700'