Mine Peak. 12/15/2014

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I am back from my New Zealand trip, this will be different.
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Our first stop will be some spot elevation where
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Mark is placing his first new register.
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Badlands are not in NZ, but here is where the wonders are.
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Going thru the slot canyon.
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Canyon walls.
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Here we will put another register. Will anybody find/sign it?
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The mud plate.
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This grows out of a wall.
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Petrified tree stump.
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It is up down, up down here.
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More formations.
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On a ridge.
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Somebody cut these with chainsaw.
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Not cut yet.
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Our group at the lunch place.
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Stairs going up.
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This is like climbing to Mordor.
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Mine Peak here we are.

360 view.youtube

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Side of the ridge trail.
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Almost down.
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After hike pivo.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.3 Technical: 3.3 Scenic: 4 El. 2700'