Dawies Valley 2/20/2017
Found some care packages with lot of organic food and bottled spring water. Is that for us?
We are splitting: Group 1 will do some spot elevations and proms.
Group A is going thru Dawies Canyon.
The Canyon is littered with bottles and plastic bags. Hope that somebody will do the cleanup when it is used or expired.
Our first dry waterfall.
Second waterfall. It is fun.
Steve with the moon.
Freshly graded road. Sorry BP for our confusing footsteps. That hill in front of us is our first stop.
Wit is leading way.
On the ridge.
We like it. Wit is not sure.
On the top. Wit is contouring around.
Going down.
This is a nice area.
Got down, we are on flat.
Bottom of the depression is getting green.
Top of the volcanic Kirk.
There is an old Wes Shelberg’s register.
Group A here, Group 1 is behind us on that ridge.
There are coyotes down there (both kinds).
In the slot.
“God bless you. Yes you can.” Look like this is not meant for us or the Border Patrol.
More bottles in the slot.
Jim got new handmade shoes that were left behind. Hecho en Mexico.
Cheers, we are all back together.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3.8 Scenic: 3.8 El. 1500'