Dawies Valley 2/20/2017

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Found some care packages with lot of organic food and bottled spring water. Is that for us?
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We are splitting: Group 1 will do some spot elevations and proms.
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Group A is going thru Dawies Canyon.
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The Canyon is littered with bottles and plastic bags. Hope that somebody will do the cleanup when it is used or expired.
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Our first dry waterfall.
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Second waterfall. It is fun.
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Steve with the moon.
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Freshly graded road. Sorry BP for our confusing footsteps. That hill in front of us is our first stop.
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Wit is leading way.
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On the ridge.
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We like it. Wit is not sure.
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On the top. Wit is contouring around.
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Going down.
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This is a nice area.
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Got down, we are on flat.
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Bottom of the depression is getting green.
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Top of the volcanic Kirk.
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There is an old Wes Shelberg’s register.
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Group A here, Group 1 is behind us on that ridge.
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There are coyotes down there (both kinds).
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In the slot.
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“God bless you. Yes you can.” Look like this is not meant for us or the Border Patrol.
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More bottles in the slot.
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Jim got new handmade shoes that were left behind. Hecho en Mexico.
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Cheers, we are all back together.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3.8 Scenic: 3.8 El. 1500'