Prom 2140 3/6/2017
Gypsum train tracks.
No rain today!
Easy walking, but only for 100 yards.
Wash changes to small rocks.
Than changes to big rocks.
Curved rocks.
Climbing the dry waterfall.
Some did not make it.
Is this climbable?
It may be, but too much exposure.
Backing down.
It is time for some snacks.
The canyon is nice.
John is getting up.
That looks like our street in SD.
Another falls to climb? There is a bypass.
On top of the falls.
Is that where we are going? 2140 looks steep.
Continuing to the saddle.
Up we go.
Made it to the sharp ridge.
Rock on the ridge. Somebody was here!
On the top of 2140.
The Ridge.
Our group. Wit is down, John attempted harder way up.
Found easier way down.
That is where we were.
Impressive canyon walls.
We have a JSHS celebration. Looks like Jim can use better shirt.
Our shirted group.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 4 Technical: 4.2 Scenic: 4 El. 2500'