Prom 2140 3/6/2017

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Gypsum train tracks.
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No rain today!
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Easy walking, but only for 100 yards.
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Wash changes to small rocks.
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Than changes to big rocks.
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Curved rocks.
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Climbing the dry waterfall.
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Some did not make it.
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Is this climbable?
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It may be, but too much exposure.
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Backing down.
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It is time for some snacks.
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The canyon is nice.
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John is getting up.
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That looks like our street in SD.
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Another falls to climb? There is a bypass.
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On top of the falls.
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Is that where we are going? 2140 looks steep.
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Continuing to the saddle.
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Up we go.
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Made it to the sharp ridge.
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Rock on the ridge. Somebody was here!
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On the top of 2140.
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The Ridge.
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Our group. Wit is down, John attempted harder way up.
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Found easier way down.
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That is where we were.
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Impressive canyon walls.
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We have a JSHS celebration. Looks like Jim can use better shirt.
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Our shirted group.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 4 Technical: 4.2 Scenic: 4 El. 2500'