Mine Wash 3/27/2017
It is crisp somewhat windy morning.
Flowers are waiting for some sun.
Our canyon.
Flowers in a wash.
Red something, is that edible?
Wit is anxious there may be a dry waterfall ahead.
Nice waterfall. The first part looks doable.
No problemo.
For the second part we have to use bypass.
John is getting up.
Looking back down.
We are higher now and the flowers are getting better.
Off the wind at our highpoint.
If you like yellow this is the place to be.
Some clouds above.
Carpet walk.
Yellow river ahead.
This is the best year for yellow.
Group picture, but where is Wayne? He is off the picture again. My fault!!! If you want to see Wayne he is in video
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360 view on youtube
Wayne is in the background.
Lunch off the wind.
Here is Wayne with white flowers.
Climbing up again.
Our objective, the section marker.
Red cactus.
Different red cactus.
Big ball.
We are back.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 3.7 Scenic: 3.8 El. 2400'