Tecolote Canyon SD 7/14/2017

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Mt. Etna baseball fields.
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My neighborhood canyon.
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Going above Balboa Ave.
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Wit: ouch that hurts.
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Under Balboa.
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End of the tunnel ended with deep puddle so we have to go around.
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Old oaks.
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City rattlesnake by the trail.
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There he is under that bush.
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USD above.
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Emerging from Battle trail. But there was no battle anywhere here.
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We cannot climb hills here??!!
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So we are going over the freeway instead.
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Some crabs are left handed some are right handed. Why?
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At Mission Bay.
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Everybody is relaxing.
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Our complete group.
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Can we play also?
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Back at Tecolote.
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Break is on sewer pipe.
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It is time for JSHS T shirts.
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Shirted group.
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Party is on!

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 2.5 Scenic: 3.5 El. 1100'