Tecolote Canyon SD 7/14/2017
Mt. Etna baseball fields.
My neighborhood canyon.
Going above Balboa Ave.
Wit: ouch that hurts.
Under Balboa.
End of the tunnel ended with deep puddle so we have to go around.
Old oaks.
City rattlesnake by the trail.
There he is under that bush.
USD above.
Emerging from Battle trail. But there was no battle anywhere here.
We cannot climb hills here??!!
So we are going over the freeway instead.
Some crabs are left handed some are right handed. Why?
At Mission Bay.
Everybody is relaxing.
Our complete group.
Can we play also?
Back at Tecolote.
Break is on sewer pipe.
It is time for JSHS T shirts.
Shirted group.
Party is on!
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 2.5 Scenic: 3.5 El. 1100'