Gold Hill 10/2/2017
Big fenced properties here.
Gold Hill is in front of us.
Lot of rock formations here.
Made it to Gold Hill. We are warmed up.
Where is that gold?
No gold in this mine.
Stock sign.
Rock crushing arrastra.
Sluice box is still here.
Are there some bats in?
Made it over the ridge.
Gold Shot mine.
Rock crusher.
Some of the old equipment.
Our group. Ready to mine.
We found easy connector to PCT.
Wit is having some fun.
This is a good place to do some climbing.
Made it to the top. Wayne’s picture.
Close up of Larry.
PCT is below, San Jacinto is north.
Left or right? Where is that car?
All back.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 3.6 Scenic: 3.9 El. 2500'