Lion Peak 10/9/2017

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It is crisp and very windy morning.
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They told me that it is going to be warm today.
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Somewhat confusing sign.
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Made it up to PCT.
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Looking south.
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Chuck found one of his geocaches.
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Off the wind.
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Lion Peak is ahead.
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Track up.
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Wayne is signing the register.
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Dust blowing over Anza.
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Our group here. Where is Hersch?
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Climbing down.
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Found Hersch.
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Cone Peak.
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The last up hill.
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Trail going down starts somewhere here?
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On/off trail.
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This is looking good.
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Picnic table as shown on that picture trail sign above.
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Some fall colors.
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Our complete group.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.3 Technical: 3.4 Scenic: 3.5 El. 3200'