Prom 5340 10/23/2017
Starting off the trail.
Fence no fence.
Warmup bushwhack.
Off the bush on road.
Road is closed, is open for us.
Is that our prom?
Some bush going up, nothing too bad.
We made it up but where is our group?
Our group is on the real 5340 prom.
Oh well they are not coming here so we are going back down.
Reunited, back on road.
Here is another bush climb.
Wayne is the first one up.
It is breezy so he is wearing his peasant hat.
More of medium bush.
There was some target bottle shooting here.
Made to the top road gate, it is time to turn back.
We could not connect to PCT on a way down (too much brush) so it is a road back.
Pleasant after hike party. It is about 100F in San Diego and here is not even 80F.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3.5 Scenic: 3.2 El. 2300'