East Mesa 10/30/2017
Parking on road, to park at visitor center is $10. Ha!? Temperature at the trailhead is 30F.
Jungle here.
On a trail to Dyar Spring.
Where is John with his group? He is taking an alternate route.
Stonewall Peak.
Sunny break.
Dyar Spring. Nice clean water.
Some horse lost his shoe.
Morning sun.
Very nice walk here today.
At the Hermit Tree.
On Harvey Moore Trail.
We will go down and then up to the conservation camp.
Way up.
Getting out of bounds. We should not be here.
Are we still in or out?
Officer we are just passing through.
There is our high point.
Whole group is safely on top. None detained.
There is a trail to go down.
That was a good way.
Lot of acorn storage.
Big old tree.
Almost back.
Our Afterhike.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.3 Technical: 3.3 Scenic: 3.8 El. 2400'