East Mesa 10/30/2017

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Parking on road, to park at visitor center is $10. Ha!? Temperature at the trailhead is 30F.
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Jungle here.
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On a trail to Dyar Spring.
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Where is John with his group? He is taking an alternate route.
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Stonewall Peak.
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Sunny break.
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Dyar Spring. Nice clean water.
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Some horse lost his shoe.
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Morning sun.
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Very nice walk here today.
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At the Hermit Tree.
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On Harvey Moore Trail.
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We will go down and then up to the conservation camp.
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Way up.
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Getting out of bounds. We should not be here.
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Are we still in or out?
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Officer we are just passing through.
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There is our high point.
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Whole group is safely on top. None detained.
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There is a trail to go down.
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That was a good way.
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Lot of acorn storage.
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Big old tree.
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Almost back.
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Our Afterhike.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.3 Technical: 3.3 Scenic: 3.8 El. 2400'