Rattlesnake Spring 11/13/2017
We are ready to go hiking.
Looking for some auxiliary Lute Bench Mark.
Inside Clark earthquake fault.
Our first mild waterfall.
We are in Rattlesnake Canyon.
Interesting rock to walk on.
Boulder made from different layers.
Who is painting these rocks? Mother Nature!
Still in the canyon.
We got stopped by this 40’ (dry) waterfall on our way to the spring.
The sun is on!
If you don’t succeed on fist waterfall, try the next one over.
Attempting the next one above.
John made it to the third one and is on a way back down.
Me, Wayne and Sharon are still going up.
There is a dry lake across.
It is steep and loose going up.
Almost up on a ridge.
Made it to 2654.
On flat for now.
Flat, not for long.
We need to go 2000’ down now.
It is getting steeper.
Sharon is doing great! Not easy.
It is rugged here.
We are down! That ridge is in the background.
All together.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.7 Technical: 4.2 Scenic: 3.7 El. 2800'