Rockhouse Trail BMs 2/17/2020
This is our first Bench Mark, and has a register.
There are lot of flowers after the last week's rain.
We are heading for that left side hill.
Also some parasitic plants are thriving.
Susan in disguise.
Here should be our second BM. It is gone!
Instead of BM I found a Terra cache here.
Our real climb up is starting.
Looking down.
Our lunch place.
Thompson Engineers signed in.
This is a second tick I attracted today.
Our group.
Butt descend.
It is steep down.
Almost down.
Clark Valley.
Our section marker is nowhere to be found.
So back to the cars.
Found a Triangulation Station but since it was not on our list than it does not count.
After hike party, filling up with Malcolm’s guac.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3.5 Scenic: 3.5 El. 1700'