Rockhouse Trail BMs 2/17/2020

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This is our first Bench Mark, and has a register.
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There are lot of flowers after the last week's rain.
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We are heading for that left side hill.
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Also some parasitic plants are thriving.
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Susan in disguise.
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Here should be our second BM. It is gone!
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Instead of BM I found a Terra cache here.
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Our real climb up is starting.
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Looking down.
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Our lunch place.
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Thompson Engineers signed in.
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This is a second tick I attracted today.
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Our group.
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Butt descend.
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It is steep down.
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Almost down.
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Clark Valley.
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Our section marker is nowhere to be found.
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So back to the cars.
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Found a Triangulation Station but since it was not on our list than it does not count.
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After hike party, filling up with Malcolm’s guac.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3.5 Scenic: 3.5 El. 1700'