Upper Coyote Cyn. 2/24/2020

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Time to synchronize our gps’s.
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First obstacle.
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Going off trail.
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Some parts are bushy.
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Other parts are rocky.
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Our first Section Marker.
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Wit is going to check some growing patch. Where is that marihuana? Found none.
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Is that our next SM? Not yet.
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Here it is. It was little farther.
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Time to take a break.
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And our group picture.
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Some wind gusts.
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Nice colors.
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We are now on PCT going south.
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The lunch break.
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Tule Spring is that way.
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Is there any water? Not much but we don’t need any.
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We are going to get….
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Modelo beer sounds good and tastes great.
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Beer and Pizza great combination courtesy by Wayne. It is his Birthday. Thanks Wayne and Happy Birthday!

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 3.3 Scenic: 3.3 El. 1000'