Upper Coyote Cyn. 2/24/2020
Time to synchronize our gps’s.
First obstacle.
Going off trail.
Some parts are bushy.
Other parts are rocky.
Our first Section Marker.
Wit is going to check some growing patch. Where is that marihuana? Found none.
Is that our next SM? Not yet.
Here it is. It was little farther.
Time to take a break.
And our group picture.
Some wind gusts.
Nice colors.
We are now on PCT going south.
The lunch break.
Tule Spring is that way.
Is there any water? Not much but we don’t need any.
We are going to get….
Modelo beer sounds good and tastes great.
Beer and Pizza great combination courtesy by Wayne. It is his Birthday. Thanks Wayne and Happy Birthday!
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 3.3 Scenic: 3.3 El. 1000'