The Thimble 5/25/2020

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It may be warm today, forecast is for 85F. So far so good.
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Are we on the right side of the fence?
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Our first objective. Find the BM.
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Here it is: CHIMNEY.
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And here is the Chimney Rock. From here is to White.
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On top of White.
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The Thimble.
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That will be “easy”.
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Our group picture before we will separate with John.
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Going down. Rocks or bush?
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Keep the balance.
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We are out of it.
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Looking back.
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Climbing up to Thimble. So far it is easy.
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This route will get harder.
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Lunch is on top. Maurice already started down.
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Hersch stopped lower. Steve turned back.
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Looking back to White.
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San Ysidro Ridge.
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Going down the easy way.
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Big rocks.
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This is also exciting.
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Wit is waiting at the saddle.
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The Thimble is behind us.
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On to Bonny.
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Bonny is not much but to get to the top is challenging.
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We are up.
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Getting down route is somewhat exposed.
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Bees love this.
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Our Corona refreshment hour.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 4 Scenic: 3.8 El. 2500'