The Thimble 5/25/2020
It may be warm today, forecast is for 85F. So far so good.
Are we on the right side of the fence?
Our first objective. Find the BM.
Here it is: CHIMNEY.
And here is the Chimney Rock. From here is to White.
On top of White.
The Thimble.
That will be “easy”.
Our group picture before we will separate with John.
Going down. Rocks or bush?
Keep the balance.
We are out of it.
Looking back.
Climbing up to Thimble. So far it is easy.
This route will get harder.
Lunch is on top. Maurice already started down.
Hersch stopped lower. Steve turned back.
Looking back to White.
San Ysidro Ridge.
Going down the easy way.
Big rocks.
This is also exciting.
Wit is waiting at the saddle.
The Thimble is behind us.
On to Bonny.
Bonny is not much but to get to the top is challenging.
We are up.
Getting down route is somewhat exposed.
Bees love this.
Our Corona refreshment hour.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 4 Scenic: 3.8 El. 2500'