Otay Mtn 6/22/2020
We’d separated into two groups. John’s group is starting with prom 2066. We are starting from Lower Water tank up to Otay Mtn.
There are our cars.
Looking North.
Coastal clouds did not make it here so it is getting warm.
The road up here is nice.
Middle water tank is where John will start his hike up.
Easy going.
Doghouse Junction.
Mexico looks smoggy.
It is getting steeper.
This is our shortcut to the top. Via brush.
That buzzard is wondering what we are doing.
View of Otay Reservoir.
On the way back we will take that ridge trail to 3551.
Our group here.
On a way back we got into dead end road.
Angelika and Preston are leaving us to take a ‘shortcut’ to the main road.
On 3551 with some solar antennas.
Oops, here are Angelika and Preston again. Their ‘shortcut’ didn’t work.
Here is our selfie.
Made it to our cars and waiting for John’s group.
We are all together. It was somewhat warm day.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.4 Technical: 2.8 Scenic: 3.4 El. 2400'