Otay Mtn 6/22/2020

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We’d separated into two groups. John’s group is starting with prom 2066. We are starting from Lower Water tank up to Otay Mtn.
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There are our cars.
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Looking North.
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Coastal clouds did not make it here so it is getting warm.
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The road up here is nice.
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Middle water tank is where John will start his hike up.
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Easy going.
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Doghouse Junction.
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Mexico looks smoggy.
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It is getting steeper.
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This is our shortcut to the top. Via brush.
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That buzzard is wondering what we are doing.
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View of Otay Reservoir.
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On the way back we will take that ridge trail to 3551.
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Our group here.
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On a way back we got into dead end road.
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Angelika and Preston are leaving us to take a ‘shortcut’ to the main road.
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On 3551 with some solar antennas.
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Oops, here are Angelika and Preston again. Their ‘shortcut’ didn’t work.
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Here is our selfie.
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Made it to our cars and waiting for John’s group.
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We are all together. It was somewhat warm day.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.4 Technical: 2.8 Scenic: 3.4 El. 2400'