Del Mar Hike 7/27/2020
We are taking over the whole parking lot here.
How much trail is closed?
This part is open.
Nice bush.
Trail narrows.
Found a hole in the fence.
Sharon is leaving, going back.
Big warning sign. Now what?
Afra is pressing on.
No yellow tape will stop us.
Alternate track up.
No open space here. We must be in Del Mar!
Big ficus tree.
Walk by Steve’s new place. Just about a block from the railroad.
Stroll to the beach can be adventures.
Here is the beach.
Our group picture is in front of another new Del Mar resident’s (part time) house. Big Bill G. He is not home.
Xing the tracks.
No suicides today, seems that trains are not running.
Looking for some lunch.
Under the freeway.
There are many hungry chicks waiting to be fed.
This bridge is narrow.
We can drink our beer here!
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 2.9 Scenic: 3.4 El. 700'