Del Mar Hike 7/27/2020

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We are taking over the whole parking lot here.
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How much trail is closed?
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This part is open.
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Nice bush.
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Trail narrows.
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Found a hole in the fence.
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Sharon is leaving, going back.
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Big warning sign. Now what?
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Afra is pressing on.
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No yellow tape will stop us.
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Alternate track up.
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No open space here. We must be in Del Mar!
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Big ficus tree.
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Walk by Steve’s new place. Just about a block from the railroad.
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Stroll to the beach can be adventures.
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Here is the beach.
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Our group picture is in front of another new Del Mar resident’s (part time) house. Big Bill G. He is not home.
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Xing the tracks.
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No suicides today, seems that trains are not running.
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Looking for some lunch.
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Under the freeway.
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There are many hungry chicks waiting to be fed.
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This bridge is narrow.
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We can drink our beer here!
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Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 2.9 Scenic: 3.4 El. 700'