Point Loma Alphas 8/17/2020

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How many birds are balancing on those wires? A: 669!
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Angelika is testing her balance.
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Group is walking on the sidewalk.
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Blooming cactus.
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This may warm us. Going uphill.
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It is overcast and so far it is cool.
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Stopped at Julie’s house.
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This is Julie’s Canyon.
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Still hazy.
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We are at the first John’s alphawalk street, Somers.
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Chinese shipyard monument.
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San Diego Yacht Club.
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There is a swing for seniors.
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Everyone wants to have a bigger house.
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Are we trespassing again?
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An entry door.
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Some nice front yard flowers.
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Flower 2.
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Flower 3.
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Flower 4.
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Here we are at our 2nd alpha street: Sorrento.
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Front yard with a tree house.
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And on we continue.
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Our last alpha street, Soto.
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Relaxing after hike, with me also in the picture. But where is Julie?

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 2.5 Scenic: 3.5 El. 1200'