Rose Canyon Loop 8/24/2020
We are taking over Clairemont Mountain Streets.
Off the streets and into canyons.
It is getting narrow.
We got stopped by the fence to get under 805. So no exploring east of 805!
Creek x-ing. No water.
Under Genesee.
We had a big group, where is the rest of it?
Found Jim, who was missing since the beginning.
All together.
We may not be Prepared but we are Always Ready.
The temperature is fine with nice overcast.
Rose Creek has some water.
The tail of our group.
Railroad tracks and trolley tracks are ready. Where are the trains?
New wall, new graffiti.
Green islands.
Poison Oak is everywhere.
We may be shot (multiple times).
Steve is going back to look for his walking stick.
Continuing up.
This is a nice Brazilian pepper tree.
Only if I had this tree in my backyard.
Here we are, under My pepper tree.
Enjoying refreshments supplied/made by Jeri.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3 Scenic: 3.3 El. 1000'