Woodson Mtn. Big Loop 8/30/2020

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Starting a Big Loop around Lake Poway to Ramona and back over Woodson.
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No fishing today.
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The dam.
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Since we cannot cross over the dam we have to go under.
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Hersch is waiting for us on the other side.
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Is that Turkey Vulture waiting for us also?
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There is Rob.
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So far we are in shade and in fog.
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Boulders are starting.
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Made it above clouds.
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That looks like some water storage.
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Birdhouses, but where are the birds?
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We don’t have any headlights, now what?
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Pilgrimage to Potato starts here.
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Some obstacles on our way.
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Passing some firemen on a way up. They are being paid for this.
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On the top.
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Vultures are circling above us.
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Lunch is in the shade. We are attracting lot of wasps who want their share.
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Lunch is over. Nobody swallowed any wasps.
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Bold Preston.
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Our group. John and Rob are still on a way up. Where is Hersch we don’t know.
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That Potato Chip looks really skinny from here.
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Big boulders.
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Here is Hippo Rock.
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Mushroom Rock with a helicopter flying by.
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Back at the lake.
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Beer is in the shade.
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John is enjoying his beer, he deserves it! Rob? He may be eaten by vultures by now.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.7 Technical: 3 Scenic: 3.7 El. 3200'