Cerro de la Calavera 9/21/2020

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Off the road and into some gutter.
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Is this the right trail? Malcolm is down!
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It is a bush hike?
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There is San Francisco Peak just behind that gate.
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One million dollars, trillion dollars... We don’t have it.
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So we are continuing to that other water tank.
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Nice palm grove.
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There is even running water.
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Almost up.
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They let us to be here for free.
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In high vegetation.
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Fuzzy things.
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Made it to Mt. Calavera and Hesch is waiting here for us.
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So we have to make a new group picture.
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Beth likes bananas and apples.
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Lake Calavera.
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There is lot of interesting stuff. Is anybody buried under?
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On a way down.
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What are those things there?
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Side of the volcano.
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Volcanic Columnar Joints.
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That may be slippery.
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It is an old Volcano!
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No labyrinth just circles.
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Climbing back up via the inside face. Just for fun.
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No problemo.
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Over the swamps.
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Relaxing in the shade.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 3.6 Scenic: 3.8 El. 1300'