Cerro de la Calavera 9/21/2020
Off the road and into some gutter.
Is this the right trail? Malcolm is down!
It is a bush hike?
There is San Francisco Peak just behind that gate.
One million dollars, trillion dollars... We don’t have it.
So we are continuing to that other water tank.
Nice palm grove.
There is even running water.
Almost up.
They let us to be here for free.
In high vegetation.
Fuzzy things.
Made it to Mt. Calavera and Hesch is waiting here for us.
So we have to make a new group picture.
Beth likes bananas and apples.
Lake Calavera.
There is lot of interesting stuff. Is anybody buried under?
On a way down.
What are those things there?
Side of the volcano.
Volcanic Columnar Joints.
That may be slippery.
It is an old Volcano!
No labyrinth just circles.
Climbing back up via the inside face. Just for fun.
No problemo.
Over the swamps.
Relaxing in the shade.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 3.6 Scenic: 3.8 El. 1300'