White Pocket Trip III 9/30/2020
We are climbing White Pocket. Most of our group made it to the top. I Monday Mike and Friday Mike stopped at the top saddle that is nicely visible from here.
Fri Mike is returning from the saddle. I am going up.
There is Joel down after passing thru the saddle.
Looking down there is our camp and cars.
Way down is also scenic so I am taking my time to take pictures.
Need to find good way down.
There are so many ledges and ramps.
Just wondering how these different layers happened.
Here is a shark fin.
Balancing rock.
There used to be dinosaurs roaming here.
More layers and colors.
Looking back.
So many bizarre things to look at and photograph.
Afternoon siesta.
Some guy in a brand new Range Rover first got temp stuck in sand than lost his wife so we are looking for her.
This looks like a big turtle. It is not her.
Well they found each other. On a way out he got sunk all the way to the frame into sand so our group was digging him out for about hour and half.
His salesman told him: ‘Land Rovers don’t get stuck in sand’.
He may even told him that they can climb trees like in the Gods Must Be Crazy Movie.
What is Carol cooking now?
It is morning and we are ready to leave. I was worrying all night since there were about four other cars that were stuck in sand going out or coming in.
Our lead car got stuck on a way out. I am next to go with my 2WD. Lowered my tire pressure to 20 PSI, locked my differential got my speed up. I am flying, no problem. Carol’s photo.
John’s car.
We all made it!
On a solid ground. This is our complete group picture before we separate.
They are leaving, I am inflating my tires. It was a great trip thanks to Ed who set it up and thanks to all the participants. Mike.