Shake and Quake 11/2/2020
Climbing up to our first spot.
It is a spot el. 2867.
On a way down I fell and rolled into nasty cholla. I am trying to keep up with the group while pulling out those nasty spines.
Made it to Shake. We are near Earthquake Valley.
Susan is up.
Here we are at our other objectives: section markers.
We are in Little Blair Valley and going across it to that other ridge.
This is a dry lake.
Up to the ridge.
It is getting steeper.
Granite Mtn. on one side.
Whale Peak is on the other side.
We can see with binoculars that Hersch’s car made it. Where is he?
Our group on Quake.
Going on the ridge to that far bump, Fox Hound, where Hersch should be.
Blair Valley on left, Little Blair Valley on right side.
At spot 2963.
Some parts are steep.
Little Blair Valley.
Found Hersch. He just came down from the top of Fox Hound.
On a way up to Fox Hound. It is getting steep and sometime technical.
On the top. It is a second time for Hersch.
Big boulders around.
So we taking easier way down.
All together? No, Susan already left. It is still a warm day so we are enjoying our beer.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.6 Technical: 3.9 Scenic: 3.6 El. 1800'