Glorietta Wash/Juanito Cyn. 12/7/2020
The first part of our hike will be on flat since we are looking (again) for Section Markers.
Here is one.
Surveyor #1880 Norman Glover was busy here.
Larry and John are getting excited.
The only one flowering yucca here. Bees like it.
Is there another SM?
This one is mobile. It is a tarantula.
Not too far is another SM.
Cloudy cooler day, perfect for hiking.
Rabbit food.
Or is it a desert beaver who is doing this?
Something lives there.
Here is a SM that is featured in Halford’s book.
From flats up we go.
Finally some views.
Made it to spot el. 1668.
Borrego Springs.
Our group.
There is a cholla dog.
What’s for lunch John? Rabbit drumstick? No Thanksgiving drumstick.
Our lunch place.
Look who shows up, Hersch! After missing our meeting place he was doing this hike solo following us.
We are on some ducked trail.
End of the dirt road.
Our complete group. It was a short hike today.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3 Technical: 3 Scenic: 3 El. 1300'