Southern Bohemia 7/2021
Our starting point for one of our hikes in Southern Bohemia.
Local forest trail.
Our destinations are not bench marks but local castles. There may be more castles than BMs.
Is this a trail? Yes with roots.
Another castle view.
That point up there is my other destination.
These monuments are for local villagers who died in WWI.
Village houses.
This is a marked trail. There are usually red, blue, green, yellow trails.
Boulder chapel.
Made it up to the observation tower.
Since when you get to the top of the mountain there is no view (too many trees). They build these towers so you can see what is around.
This one was extended. Taller trees? They sell beer at the bottom. Great!!
Chapel with a view.
Here is one for John: a section marker!
Our place where we are staying this week.
Here is a view from old, 2500 years old remains of castle.
Newer remains. No castle just old factory.
Here is an ant's (castle) hill.
Lot of real blueberries. They make your mouth real blue.
Love this river. Good boulder hopping.
Here is a orientation sign about some old plane crash.
Trail break.