8/2021 Bohemia Hikes
These pictures are from some of our "Monday Hikes" in Czech.
After the warm up hill we are at small church.
That was fun.
This place is where our friends have weekend cabins.
Nobody is home so we are staying just for a while to drink our refreshments.
Sign says: Due to ammunition price increase, do not expect warning shot.
While we are here I am visiting monuments of my friends.
Our group on top of local bump.
Rough way down.
Heading for another tops.
This one in called Crow's Rock.
Different view pointers.
We may go that way to visit a castle.
It is raining, no problem, found it.
Under the castle there are some bears fortunately guarded by steel and electric fence.
So when I put my camera inside the fence the bear charged me.
Looks like that he got the electric shock. While I got my stupidity shock.
Another castle is near by.
We are going up there.
Rain or no rain, that is hiking here.
Rain stops shortly while we are going up.
Made it up. time for some boost.
Another hike is by old quarry.
It is always fun to explore.
Sometime it's not easy to change to a different level.
What way to take?
Made it up. On we go.
That cross on top is our next destination.
Trail up.
We were just down there not too long ago.
Old steel wire fence.
Another castle.
Hike is over so we are waiting for the next train or next, next train? This is our happy hour.