Henderson Cyn to Ode BM 3/15/2021
Intergalactic Spaceship size clouds. Today’s forecast is for high winds.
Clouds over Indianhead.
Starting from Henderson Canyon.
Our first climb up. Weather here is perfect so far.
Indianhead from the back side.
John found his first SM.
Clouds there, sunny here.
Pinnacle cactus is blooming.
Climbing one of the dams that guard the golf course resort. Note those relief pipes.
Ray is creeping inside the pipe.
That was fun.
Getting up the ridge.
I am up on the next ridge.
Golf resort.
Is this part of that Spaceship that was above?
Oh, Hesch found us!
Golf resort roadrunner.
No trespassing.
Double section markers. Which one is the more precise one?
On we go to the next one.
Nice and shiny.
This is our lunch place.
Palm Canyon Wash.
On to Ode BM.
Made it to Ode. Wind is picking-up so Wit is starting down.
There is a newer register.
Wind is starting to gust hard with some drizzle.
Another take, when it is sunny.
Back at Henderson Canyon. Beer and chips have heavy organic sand flavor. So far it is sunny.
Went to make this picture and few moments later everything changed.
It changed into hard to standup sand blizzard.
Rainbow above the sandstorm.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3.5 Scenic: 3.5 El. 2100'