Henderson Cyn to Ode BM 3/15/2021

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Intergalactic Spaceship size clouds. Today’s forecast is for high winds.
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Clouds over Indianhead.
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Starting from Henderson Canyon.
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Our first climb up. Weather here is perfect so far.
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Indianhead from the back side.
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John found his first SM.
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Clouds there, sunny here.
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Pinnacle cactus is blooming.
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Climbing one of the dams that guard the golf course resort. Note those relief pipes.
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Ray is creeping inside the pipe.
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That was fun.
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Getting up the ridge.
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I am up on the next ridge.
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Golf resort.
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Is this part of that Spaceship that was above?
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Oh, Hesch found us!
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Golf resort roadrunner.
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No trespassing.
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Double section markers. Which one is the more precise one?
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On we go to the next one.
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Nice and shiny.
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This is our lunch place.
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Palm Canyon Wash.
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On to Ode BM.
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Made it to Ode. Wind is picking-up so Wit is starting down.
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There is a newer register.
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Wind is starting to gust hard with some drizzle.
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Another take, when it is sunny.
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Back at Henderson Canyon. Beer and chips have heavy organic sand flavor. So far it is sunny.
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Went to make this picture and few moments later everything changed.
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It changed into hard to standup sand blizzard.
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Rainbow above the sandstorm.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3.5 Scenic: 3.5 El. 2100'