Fish Creek Wash Area 3/22/2021
After hearing some horrible noise we stopped and found that we almost lost our front wheel!
John just paid $1400 to have it fixed and the mechanic forgot to do it right!
With help from some good Samaritans we put the strut back together. Hurrah!
Made it to the trailhead.
Wash walk.
Is that our first waterfall?
Walls are getting taller.
Bizarre canyon sides.
While I am watching interesting walls Steve is taking pictures..
There is a cactus girl.
More walls.
Canyon continues.
Lot of layers with colors.
Found a section marker.
Interesting sculptures and rocks.
We need to get down to the canyon but walls are steep here.
Looking for other way down.
I am down. Group is still up.
That may do.
We are down, Wit is still up somewhere.
That is colorful and interesting.
Angelika is recovering from Covid immunization.
Lunch place is in shade.
Lunch is over.
Our group minus Wit who is still somewhere.
Lone boulder and hiker.
Sand creek.
Up to another SM.
Muddy SM.
John is leaving. Let’s go.
After hike is in shade.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 3.8 Scenic: 3.9 El. 800'