Hot Springs Mtn. 4/5/2021
After paying $10 each to Los Coyotes Band of Indians we are parking at nice shady campground.
The trail is via old road.
Sometimes the road is steep.
Steep or not it keeps going up.
Nice lenticular cloud. Forecast is for high winds.
Nice forest around us.
Almost there.
The summit block has a ladder. That makes it easy.
Where is that hot spring?
Here it is: nice shiny new sign.
Had to change my hat so wind will not blow it away.
Since this is San Diego County’s high point there are nice views on all sides.
Snows of Gorgonio.
We have to get down, that may be harder.
Andy is getting down.
Angelika may do it?!
John A. and Susan are departing to try some other stuff.
We meet John at the tower.
So it is time for our partial group shot.
Lot of views.
Here is another register.
It is too windy here.
Road splits here, we are going left back to the campground.
There are some flowers but it looks like this is not a year for them.
Back at the campground.
Are we all back? Almost.
John is doing his JSHS presentation. Hersch 600, Wit 900 and Steve 200 hikes with John.
Shirted picture.
Rob is back so here is our complete group picture.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 3. Scenic: 3.6 El. 2900'