Domelands Loop 4/26/2021

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It is a cloudy and cool morning in the desert so we can squeeze in one more desert hike.
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Up to the ridge.
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Way down into the canyon.
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Just some minor obstacles.
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This is a nice canyon.
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Love it.
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In front of Ted’s dry waterfall. Ted climbed it*.
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This overhang is made from compressed seashells.
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Detail of millions imbedded shells.
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Seashells everywhere.
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It’s time to get out of the canyon.
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Our traditional lunch place.
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Just over these boulders and we are in.
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You need at least two hands and two legs.
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Slot is getting deeper…
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And darker.
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Antelope Canyon it is not but…
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It is more fun.
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Just don’t fall in.
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Made it to The Beach.
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Dramatic views.
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Detail of this collection off: snails, sand dollars, shells, shark teeth etc.
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Up we go.
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More of bizarre domes.
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One of the geocaches we found.
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Mountain castle.
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Lot of windows here.
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Going up to the wind cave.
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Inside the wind cave. That mouse that was here last time is not here.
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Sleeping wind cave.
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Our group. Wind is picking up.
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Angelika from rock window.
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Lone tree.
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Made it back. Where is John?
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John is here! Party can continue!

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 3.8 Scenic: 4.2 El. 2100'