Domelands Loop 4/26/2021
It is a cloudy and cool morning in the desert so we can squeeze in one more desert hike.
Up to the ridge.
Way down into the canyon.
Just some minor obstacles.
This is a nice canyon.
Love it.
In front of Ted’s dry waterfall. Ted climbed it*.
This overhang is made from compressed seashells.
Detail of millions imbedded shells.
Seashells everywhere.
It’s time to get out of the canyon.
Our traditional lunch place.
Just over these boulders and we are in.
You need at least two hands and two legs.
Slot is getting deeper…
And darker.
Antelope Canyon it is not but…
It is more fun.
Just don’t fall in.
Made it to The Beach.
Dramatic views.
Detail of this collection off: snails, sand dollars, shells, shark teeth etc.
Up we go.
More of bizarre domes.
One of the geocaches we found.
Mountain castle.
Lot of windows here.
Going up to the wind cave.
Inside the wind cave. That mouse that was here last time is not here.
Sleeping wind cave.
Our group. Wind is picking up.
Angelika from rock window.
Lone tree.
Made it back. Where is John?
John is here! Party can continue!
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.5 Technical: 3.8 Scenic: 4.2 El. 2100'