Valley of the Moon 5/17/2021

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This looks like a winter hike. It is cold but mainly it is windy!
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The sun is up and it is not that windy in a canyon. Are we in the right canyon? Does it matter?
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Some brush walking.
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We are not the first ones here. Here is illegal’s lost moccasin.
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Heart rock cave.
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Big nose rock.
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Are we warm yet?
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In Valley of the Moon.
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There are geocaches here for John. Somewhere under rock.
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Found one.
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John, Angelika and Wit are going to look for more geocaches.
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Preston, Hersch and I are climbing up to Gold BM.
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Is that one climbable?
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Prom 4020, is climbable from the left (north) side.
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We are doing our climb.
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Looking around. What a country!
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Gold BM, is older than I am. No register to be found here.
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Still windy.
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Way down.
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So far so good.
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Climbing boulder formations are everywhere.
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Groups are reunited.
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Looking at Gold BM.
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Our after lunch picture.
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Climbing up again and made it to the border fence! Where is that 30 foot high new shiny fence? This is 30 inches with holes in.
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Angelika can’t wait to get back to Mexico.
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Almost there.
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Border monument 231. Angelika and Preston say HI from Mexico.
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Under penalty: ‘not to be disturbed’.
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Now on to Blue Angels!
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Looking east.
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There is a new sign.
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Cactus is being pollinated.
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Abounded truck. At first it looked like a Border Patrol vehicle. Can we make it to run?
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Back on a road to our vehicles. Hope, they are just fine.
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Before we will get there we have to find more geocaches. John is happy he found 7 out of 7 today.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.6 Technical: 3.9 Scenic: 4 El. 2600'