Valley of the Moon 5/17/2021
This looks like a winter hike. It is cold but mainly it is windy!
The sun is up and it is not that windy in a canyon. Are we in the right canyon? Does it matter?
Some brush walking.
We are not the first ones here. Here is illegal’s lost moccasin.
Heart rock cave.
Big nose rock.
Are we warm yet?
In Valley of the Moon.
There are geocaches here for John. Somewhere under rock.
Found one.
John, Angelika and Wit are going to look for more geocaches.
Preston, Hersch and I are climbing up to Gold BM.
Is that one climbable?
Prom 4020, is climbable from the left (north) side.
We are doing our climb.
Looking around. What a country!
Gold BM, is older than I am. No register to be found here.
Still windy.
Way down.
So far so good.
Climbing boulder formations are everywhere.
Groups are reunited.
Looking at Gold BM.
Our after lunch picture.
Climbing up again and made it to the border fence! Where is that 30 foot high new shiny fence? This is 30 inches with holes in.
Angelika can’t wait to get back to Mexico.
Almost there.
Border monument 231. Angelika and Preston say HI from Mexico.
Under penalty: ‘not to be disturbed’.
Now on to Blue Angels!
Looking east.
There is a new sign.
Cactus is being pollinated.
Abounded truck. At first it looked like a Border Patrol vehicle. Can we make it to run?
Back on a road to our vehicles. Hope, they are just fine.
Before we will get there we have to find more geocaches. John is happy he found 7 out of 7 today.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.6 Technical: 3.9 Scenic: 4 El. 2600'