Table and Jacumba Mtn. 10/11/2021

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Parking is in a gully, it is off the wind for now.
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Top of the Table Mountain. Weather forecast is for extreme winds.
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So far we can stand upright.
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Off the wind for a while.
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It is a nice slide down.
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Jacumba Mtn. is our next goal.
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It is easy to roll it down but can you push it up hill Jim?
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Looking back.
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We are mostly off the road.
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End of this road.
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If a road goes our way we will use it. Mostly for a short time.
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Splitting here. Wit and Jim are turning back. Chuck is already climbing up.
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Steep but doable also wind is pushing us up.
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Got to the ridge so we are trying to be on leeward side.
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Short lunch break is off the wind. Here is Amazing Hersch.
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Windmills are not turning. Too much wind?
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Chuck has a hard time to put back the register.
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Our group on Jacumba.
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North Jacumba Ridge.
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Coming down while wind is trying to pick us up.
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Some rock formations.
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The last portion in on a road. Road is not easier, is too steep.
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Hold on to your hat while the wind is howling like a jet plane.
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Back at the car where we can have some refreshments.

Hike Rating: Difficulty: 4 Technical: 3.9 Scenic: 3.6 El. 3000'