Whale Peak 12/6/2021
After hitting a big rock while driving in I am stopping here.
So we are walking. Our hike will be 2mi + 2 miles longer.
First canyon that goes up is with some boulders.
And some minor obstacles.
We like it.
Even Wit likes is since he said that he will go this way back.
One of the flat areas.
Almost up.
There is a big register with lot of entries.
Just across the Earthquake Valley is our previous Monday Mountain.
Our group.
There are lot of nice big yucca’s here.
On a way down.
No problem here.
Wit separated from us, so we are going off trail.
Nice golden yuccas.
Old Pinyon Pine.
Still off trail.
Road party at the end.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3.6 Scenic: 3.7 El. 2300'