Mount Soledad Loop 8/15/2022
We have a morning low tide that is good for today’s hike.
Our complete group before some will split and go around.
We are staying down near water,
Or wading in water.
Inside the caves.
Lots of (slippery) rocks.
Birds like it.
This is usually under water.
Will it bite?
Wow, there is a new ladder.
Jim will test it.
Made it, who is next? Me.
Lot of messy ropes to get up.
We did not see that sing down there.
John is going up. We will meet with him on top of Soledad.
Looks like birds are replacing seals. Who stinks more, birds or seals?
There are some seals left.
Nice rocks but very slippery.
Oops, Angelika slipped, fell and broke her shoulder on innocently looking but very slippery rock.
We called for help and first lifeguard arrives.
Later on the whole Baywatch arrived to help her to ambulance.
It was very painful to her (and also to us). Hope that you will recover soon Angelika!
Off the beach and going up.
There were lot of good approach shots but no hole in one yet.
Off the road into wild.
Some bushwhack.
On overlook.
Another shortcut.
We meet with John on top.
Over the fence,
For more off road.
Another peril is ahead.
Cars are rushing by.
Finally we can relax at quiet Jim’s place.
Hike Rating: Difficulty: 3.2 Technical: 3.8 Scenic: 3.8 El. 1700'